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Stanley North FaceP7170072_001Stanley NF1Descent Ridge - 1 rap upper band - 2 on lower ridge to bowl and walk off down and rh to top WF.Finally enough light for pics - schrund base of North face at 5:30 AM- still had to lighten picSome crazy(or very good) Chilean soloist comes up through the crevasses- lightened photoP7150052-1North Face - CopyP71500553/4 of the way up the face - KrisP7150058P7150060Kevin and Mark KlassenP1060552_2Kevin and Roy - Mark's pic - we came across glacier below from east endLoving lifeP7150063Kris and me - Marks pic - ski tracks over our right shoulderMe and Kris at top of face - Mark's picSummit - low cloud